Electoral Registers
Electoral Registers, 1957 - 2000
These contain the names and addresses of those registered to vote. Access: Registers more than 30 years old are open for general research.
- Cork Borough / Cork City 1957/8, 1963/4, 1966 - 2010
- Cork North East, 1965-1982
- Mid Cork, (Mid West and North West of County Cork ) 1965-1982
- Cork South West, 1965-2000
- Cork South Central, 1982-2000
- Cork East, 1982-2000
- Cork North Central, 1983-2000
- Cork North West, 1982-2000
- South Kerry, 1969-1982
Also held is a series of 4 election poll books plus 1 electors register for Youghal, 1830-1837 (see list YTR/PB)
ACCESS: Hardcopy by appointment in the public research room.
Note: Cork City Library, Cork County Library and the National Archives of Ireland also hold some Cork electoral registers.