St.Finbarr's Cemetery Cork City
Online Registers 1867-1930:
St. Finbarr's Cemetery Burial Register 1867-1896 (text index)
St. Finbarr's Cemetery Burial Register 1867-1896 (Images only)
St. Finbarr's Cemetery Burial Register 1896 - 1908 (text index)
St. Finbarr's Cemetery Burial Register 1896-1908 (Images only)
St. Finbarr's Cemetery Burial Register 1908-1920 (Images only)
St. Finbarr's Cemetery Burial Register 1920-1930 (Images only)
St.Finbarr's municipal cemetery is located at Glasheen Road, Cork City. It is operated by Cork City Council. It opened in 1867, and houses both Roman Catholic and Protestant burials. The cemetery houses the graves of many prominent people and it is also the location of the Republican Plot which houses the remains of many of those killed in the War of Independence/Anglo-Irish War 1919-1921 and the Civil War 1922-1923, such as Tomás MacCurtain, Terence MacSwiney, and Tadhg Barry.
The digitisation of the 1867 to 1896 burial register was carried out with funding from Cork City Council and the Creative Ireland Programme, in 2017. The digitisation of the 1896 - 1930 burial registers has been carried out with funding from the Cork City Council 1920-1923 commemorative programme, and the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.
We also acknowledge the assistance of Cork City Council staff of St. Finbarr's Cemetery and the Operations Directorate.