How to Use Our Online Catalogue
- Our online catalogue is much more than just a list of our collection holdings.
- While our Catalogue does not contain a full transcript of each item in our collection, the entries in the catalogue are often very detailed and contain a summary of the content of each item including data on people, places, organisations, subjects, and dates, that are mentioned or documented within individual collections/items.
- The Catalogue is principally a finding aid for hard copy material, however, many photographs have been uploaded for viewing within the catalogue
- If an online digital copy of an item or collection is available, the catalogue entry will provide a URL link to same. Note that, to date, only a few hundred documents are available online.
- If you locate a reference to a hard copy item of interest to your research, you are welcome to request a copy by email, by quoting the item reference number. Charges apply.
- Over 800 collections/fonds and 35,000 items/files/series are fully listed within our Catalogue.
- Please note that over 200 of the entries in the online catalogue are at collection level only, with the lists of the items in these collections available separately in the research room or by email on request to
- Researchers are welcome to contact the archivists by email, who may assist in a search of items that are not yet listed in the catalogue.
![Cork Archives Online Catalogue Cork Archives Online Catalogue](/media/akcppai1/online-catalogue-new800.jpg)