Hospitals and Homes
- Cork County Home & Hospital St.Finbarr's, Douglas Road. Formerly (Pre-1924) Cork District Hospital/Cork Union Workhouse. (1923)1924 - 1963 (1984).
- Our Lady’s Hospital (formerly Cork District Lunatic Asylum/Cork Mental Hospital), Minutes and Patient Records 1883-1966 (1983)
- St. Kevin's Private Nursing Home, South Terrace, Cork, c1915-1972
- Mrs. Dorgan's Private Nursing Home, Friar's Walk and Anglesea Terrace, Cork (1930) 1935-1942
- North Infirmary Hospital, Cork, Board Minutes Feb 1869 - May 1905, Dec 1933 - 1987
- Erinville Hospital Memorandum Book of Deaths, 27 May 1936 - 17 Jan 1949
- St. Raphael's Hospital, Youghal, (Auxiliary Mental Asylum/Hospital) 1904 - c2000
- Mallow Infirmary Minute Book (later known as the County Infirmary/Hospital) 1784 - 1862
- Midleton District Home and Hospital (Our Lady of Lourdes). (1906) 1925-1979
- See also Cork Boards of Public Assistance and Health, South, North, West 1924-1960 (1973). (These were responsible for the management of public hospitals and homes)
All hospital and home records less than 100 years old containing personal data are restricted for general public research. Records over 100 years old are open for general research.
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